Sustaining Chapter Members:

The Manitoba Chapter sincerely thanks its Sustaining Chapter Members:
BSE Weld Engineering Ltd.
Industrial Technology Centre
LPR Engineering Ltd.

2022 RRC Polytech Scolarship
Each year the ASM Manitoba Chapter presents a Scholarship award to a student who excels in materials science and engineering courses.
Congratulations to this year's award recipient - TBD.
2018 Red River College Technology Awards
ASM Manitoba Presents an Award annually to a student who excels in engineering materials courses.
Congratulations to this year's award recipient - Erik Rafnson, presented on Nov 29 at the Technology Awards Reception.
2018 Manitoba Schools Science Symposium
Awards are given annually to students who show excellence in materials science and engineering. Congratulations this year to Vrinda and Micah for their excellent projects.
2011 John Convey Innovation Award:
Red River College and StandardAero have been named recipients of the 2011 John Convey Innovation Award.
Further Reading - Red River College Article